April 4 Deadline – Last Time to Change High School Learning Model

NSHS Students and Families,

Our planning for combining cohorts at the end of April is now in high gear.  We look forward to having all in-person students back in the building four days per week!

If you are interested in changing your student’s learning model for this final phase of the school year, you may do so.  You will receive a google form with a personalized link for each high school student very soon to indicate if you want to make a change.  This form is totally optional.  You only need to return it if you want to change your student’s learning model from distance to in-person, or from in-person to distance.  The deadline to return this optional form is Sunday, April 4.  If you have questions about this transition, please submit them HERE so that we can start an FAQ document. All learning model changes will take effect on Monday April 26.

 Important Notes:

  • This will be the LAST opportunity to request a move FROM distance TO in-person learning. By end of Monday, March 29, families should have received a google form sent from the district with a personalized link for each high school student to indicate if you want to make a change.  This form is totally optional.  The deadline to return the optional form is Sunday, April 4.  If you have questions about this transition, please submit them HERE so that we can start an FAQ document. All learning model changes will take effect on Monday April 26.  If you do not receive an email/google form link by the end of the day on Monday, 3/29, please contact Interim Vice Principal Hardiman at [email protected].

    • All students who are enrolled in the Distance Model on April 26th will remain in the Distance model through the end of the school year.

    • Students who are in the distance model may come to school for MCAS testing, AP testing, athletics and/or extracurricular activities.

  • Our current plan is to maintain our current block schedule which means that Wednesdays will continue to be a remote day for the large majority of students.

  • Based on the recommendation of the NPS Ad Hoc Medical Advisory Group, we will be transitioning to a minimum of 3ft distancing in classrooms but we will continue to require 6ft distancing when eating.

  • Asymptomatic Surveillance testing is an important added tool, alongside our pillars,  as we increase the number of students in the building each day and the number of students in each classroom. NPS is offering free weekly pooled testing to all in-person students and all high school distance students participating in in-person activities.  Highlights to know:

      • Because the JCM program is able to immediately test and identify the positive sample in a pool (reflex testing), we expect to receive individual results back, and no need to quarantine entire pools.

      • The nasal swab is completed at home on the morning of testing.

      • Visiting the testing center and submitting the test kit takes less than 5 minutes.

      • Students may not participate if they have tested positive in the last 90 days or if they are exhibiting symptoms.

      • For more information, please visit the NPS Covid-19 Testing Page and NSHS Testing FAQ

      • A surveillance testing program works best with a high rate of participation. Let’s work together to keep our students, staff, and community safe.

Thank you,

Chris Hardiman
NSHS Interim Vice Principal