ORDER DEADLINE April 16, 2021
IF YOU DO NOT NEED A CAP AND GOWN FOR ANY REASON, please let Mrs. Stonehill know as soon as possible at [email protected]
HOW TO ORDER A CAP AND/OR TASSEL ONLY. REMINDER – You must drop off or mail HARD COPIES of both the order form and your my school bucks receipt Julie Stonehill, Newton South High School, 140 Brandeis Road, 02459.
The ONLINE process:
- Pay for your items on My School Bucks
- Print out your receipt
- Fill out the order form (Cap and tassel order form 2021)
- Mail your receipt and order form to Julie Stonehill, Newton South H.S.,
140 Brandeis Road, 02459
The MAIL-IN process:
- Send cash or check
- Check must be made out to Newton South High School w/ “Graduation 2021” written in the memo space
- Fill out the order form (Cap and tassel order form 2021)
- Mail your payment and order form to Julie Stonehill, Newton South
H.S., 140 Brandeis Road, 02459
The IN-PERSON process
- Put your cash or check in an envelope
- Check must be made out to Newton South High School w/ “graduation 2021” written in the memo space
- Fill out the order form (Cap and tassel order form 2021)
- Deliver your payment and order form to Mrs. Stonehill’s mailbox, which
is located in the Goldrick House teacher’s room OR to the Main Office.