Please see latest update on 2021 AP Exams from Mrs. Price. Please contact her directly if you have any questions at
I am sending you information about communication, requesting a refund for an AP exam, selecting which device you will use if you are going to take an AP exam online, and update on test dates.
All students should:
- Checking in with classmates. I have heard from some parents that their child is not receiving my emails. I want to ask you a favor. Can all students please check with classmates and friends to see if they received the latest information? If they haven’t, can you please share it with them? Thank you very much.
- Cancel an exam/Request a refund. If you wish to cancel an exam and request a refund, you must log on to your Total Registration account to do so. A request for a refund must be made by 6:00 p.m. on May 2, 2021.
- Technology check-in. This year Mr. Brian Hammel, Instructional Technology Specialist at Newton South, is going to handle the technology preparation of the digital AP testing. Mr. Hammel will answer any questions you may have about the device you are going to use if you are testing online.
- Technology requirements for online AP Exams. If you are going to take an AP exam online, I am adding the general technical requirements from the College Board 2020-2021 AP Digital Testing Guide for devices that will be used for taking an exam:
- Each student will need access to a laptop or desktop computer (Mac, Windows, or school-managed Chromebook). iPads may be used if they fit the technical requirements.
- The computer can be a personal computer (except for Chromebooks) or a school-provided computer but must not be shared between students after exam setup is completed.
- Smartphones are not permitted for testing. Students’ personal Chromebooks may not be used for 2021 digital AP exams. ”
- Contact Mr. Hammel with any questions that you have about the device that you plan to use. He can be reached at [email protected]. If you going into the building, you may meet with Mr. Hammel. His office is in the library behind the circulation desk.
It is important that you decide now which device you are going to use for online testing. Starting April 8, the College Board will send directions to you through your College Board account on how to download and install the digital testing application to your device. You will need to complete the exam setup for each exam you plan to take one to three days before each exam. You are responsible that your computer is ready for the exam.
Update on 2021 Exam Dates
I am writing this email blast about the 2021 exam dates. Right now the College Board has everyone scheduled to take their exam(s) at South in person from May 3 to May 17. You will see that if you log on to your CB account.
In previous emails, I have let you know that we are using the in person dates for WL and Music, and that we are encouraging students to take all other exams online at home. Online exams will not be given at school.
Recently the Newton district administration decided to offer the dates from Administration One for those students whose families feel that an in person testing would better fit their child’s needs.
I apologize in advance for any and all inconveniences. I am going to start making changes on Tuesday, March 16 afternoon. Please look at the changes and contact me with concerns, starting Wednesday, March 17. I would like to have this finished by Tuesday, March 23.
- Students who are taking a World Language exam or Music Theory are scheduled to take the exam during Administration 1. I am not going to change those dates. They are correct.
- I am going to assign all other students to an online testing date.
- If the test dates are correct, you do not need to contact me.
- Seniors and other students with obligations related to graduation/class activities and who are taking Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Physics 1, Physics Mech, Physics E & M, and Stats need to email me and let me know that a change needs to be made. I anticipate that other changes will need to be made as well. If you have already emailed me about a change, you can forward the same email to me.
- I am aware that some students may be double booked for two exams at the same time, and that changes may need to be made for students approved for extended time who have two exams on the same day. I’m not sure that there are great solutions for every situation, but I will do my best to try and make the schedule work.