Category Archives: From the PTSO

HOST FAMILIES NEEDED NOV. 5-19: For Argentinian Exchange Students & Chaperones

After several Covid-imposed delays, we are eager to finally launch our first language and cultural exchange with our sister school in Argentina, and we are looking for a few additional host families!

The students and their chaperones are arriving on Saturday, November 5, and will be with us until November 19.  Host family responsibilities include integrating the student in your family life, so that they get a glimpse of daily American life as they practice their English language skills.

Students will travel to school in the morning with your child, and after a day or two of shadowing, will spend school days with their chaperones on a variety of excursions around the Boston area.  On the weekends, you will incorporate them into your usual routines, and have them participate in whatever activities or chores your family typically engages in together.

While this is obviously an excellent opportunity for a family with a child studying Spanish, this is not a requirement!  All that we ask is that you be eager to share your daily lives and rhythms with a teen who is eager to learn about our life in the Boston area.

Please contact Cynthia Manthei ([email protected]) as soon as possible if you are interested or have any questions.


From Surviving to Thriving:  Parents’ Journeys Through Suicide Grief

An interactive workshop for anyone in a parenting role whose child has died by suicide.

FREE Workshop content includes:
• Exploring the unique and complex experience of suicide loss
• Addressing the impacts of suicide loss on individuals, couples, and families
• Learning from long-term parent survivors
• Re-building hope skills

Visit here to preregister and learn more.


South Stage presents the annual 9th grade play, Writers…Blocked, on Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 20-22 at 7:30 PM in the Newton South Lab Theater.   Tickets at

Come see the work of our newest theatre artists in a series of 10-minute plays about the struggles of writers.  Writers…Blocked is directed by professional theatre artist Jesse Garlick in our intimate black box theater.  Masks are optional.  The running time is 80 minutes with no intermission.  $10 in advance at  Tickets will be sold at the door if any remain.


What is Celebrate South? Celebrate South is a weeklong event where we celebrate all the students that make South an amazing place to learn and grow. This year it will kick-off with a Girl’s Soccer Game vs Strongsville High School from Ohio (October 15th) and wrap up with a Varsity Football game vs Boston Latin (October 21st). But we all know that South is not just sports. In between there will be a production by South Stage, Passing Time Talent Shows, a school-wide Fence Decorating Contest, Spirit Week Theme Days, Music and Dance performances and so much more!

Click here to learn more, donate, and/or volunteer!


Have you noticed the new Clothing Bins in front of the tennis courts on Brandeis Road? Newton Public Schools placed the bins to help make donating, reusing and recycling unwanted clothing, shoes, linens and textiles easy and convenient. Beginning November 1, textiles in Massachusetts can no longer be disposed of in trash and in our blue bins (and never go in the green bins). Textiles and shoes that can be reused or recycled account for approximately 5% of our waste in Massachusetts. Helpsy takes all clean textiles and items that are on their list and will reuse higher grade items. Nationally, 50% is reusable, 45% is recyclable.
Newton Public Schools (NPS) is partnering with Helpsy to collect whatever we can wear, sleep in, or dry ourselves off with. This includes anything made from wool, silk, linen, cotton, polyester, leather, vinyl, hemp and rayon. Find a full list of accepted items here. Higher grade items are resold to thrift stores in North America and other secondhand markets across the world; lower grade items are turned into rags or things like stuffing and insulation. Helpsy is a Public Benefit Corporation and a Certified B Corp with an environmental mission. Donations generate a small amount of revenue for NPS which will likely be used for sustainability work at NPS.
Bins at NPS schools brought in over 25,000 lbs of clothing in August, which equates $2,500! 
The NPS Facilities staff will be the primary point of contact for any concerns or issues related to the bins (damage, vandalism, need for a pick-up). Call 617-559-9000 or email [email protected]
Find answers to frequently asked questions here.


Volunteers are needed to help with the 23rd annual Halloween Window Painting event, taking place this year on Saturday, October 29 (raindate: October 30 ).

Registration is now open for student painters in grades 3-8, and merchants in Auburndale, Newton Centre, Newton Highlands, Newtonville, Nonantum, and West Newton have offered up their windows to the creativity of these young artists.

We need help posting assignment sheets on participating windows before the event, and supervising the painting on the day of the event. If you’re a high schooler, parent, or guardian with fond memories of Halloween Window Painting or just have an appreciation for public art, we’d love to have you join our crew of volunteers. To learn more or sign up to help, contact [email protected] or sign up for a specific volunteer task here.

ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS: Seal of Biliteracy deadline Oct. 19

Parents — please see below the announcement shared with all our seniors.  Please let us know if you have any questions about how you can support your child in pursuing a Seal of Biliteracy.
Attention Seniors!!
Do you speak a language other than English?  If you read and write it as well, let colleges and future employers know by earning a Seal of Biliteracy on your transcript!
The process is simple, and you can use it to demonstrate skills in any language you’ve learned, whether at home, in school, or elsewhere.
Click HERE for detailed information about the Seal, including how to qualify and a link to register.
The deadline for registration is Wednesday, October 19.
If you have questions, contact Ms. Murphy-Ferguson, World Language Department Chair, via e-mail, Schoology message, or live in room 6209.

LIGERBOTS OPEN HOUSE: September 29th, 6:00pm

Does your student have an interest in STEM or business, including software, engineering, finance, public relations, fundraising, writing, photojournalism, videography, graphic design, or public speaking?

The LigerBots is FIRST Robotics Competition Team 2877, Newton North and South’s combined, award-winning team that builds a new 120-pound robot every year to compete in a robot game with other high school teams. LigerBots runs like a small business, and students gain real-world skills through project-based learning in many STEAM fields. Our experienced mentors act as teachers and guides to help enrich your student’s experience with the team.

Meeting times in the fall are on Mondays in the Newton North engineering room from 6:30-9:00 p.m. and on Thursdays at Newton South from 6:30-9:00 p.m. New team members in grades 9 – 12 from the two Newton high schools are invited to any and all meetings. We are also seeking adult mentors, especially in the fields of web design and coding, mechanical engineering, and finance.

If you’re interested, our open house for new team members is September 29th, 6:00 p.m., at Newton South High School. For more information about the LigerBots, please email [email protected] or visit our website:

The FROSH Play starts Sept 12

The FROSH Play starts Sept 12 – No cuts! Encourage any interested freshman you know to check it out. More info on

South Stage Kick off Meeting (for kids) – Tuesday Sept 13th during Lion Block in the Auditorium
First official South Stage Supporters meeting (for adults) – Tuesday 9/20 @ 7 pm in Room 9141 between the Auditorium and Main office. Come meet Jeff Knoedler the director of South Stage (and the Interim Fine and Performing Arts Chair) and get your questions answered.
-Save the date! 
South Stage Supporters Social
Drinks and snacks in the backyard of Cara Attanucci and James Miner (parents of Ben Miner ’24
Sunday, October 2nd
4-6 pm
87 Winslow Road Waban
Come learn about how you can get involved and get the inside scoop about all things South Stage. Feel free to stop by briefly or come and hang out!
For further info or questions reach out to Cara at [email protected] or (508) 340-0279

FORJ Housing Wants Your Input!

Please join us on Zoom Tuesday, September 20 at 7:30 to give your input on Newton’s proposed zoning changes. This is an important opportunity to influence the future of Newton’s village centers.
Zoning laws regulate what can be built and where. For example, zoning determines how tall buildings can be, what can be built where, and what changes can be made to existing buildings. This can impact a village center’s housing supply, economic development, transportation, green space, and how spaces can be used by all our residents. All of these change have the potential to impact racial equity in housing in Newton.
The City is considering important changes to our zoning rules for the first time in 30 years. Last summer, the city heard what community members’ envisioned for the village center’s future. Based on that, the City drafted a set of updates to the zoning rules. Now, the city would like input on 3 questions about the updates’ framework for increased density and reduced parking requirements. 
In this session, we will review the proposed zoning changes and walk you through how to submit your feedback on the proposed changes.
Questions?  Contact Laura Towvim, [email protected]