The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

Newton South High School: Term 3 Report Cards Posted

Newton South Students and Families:


Term 3 report cards have been posted to Aspen. If you have a question about a specific grade, please reach out directly to your/your child’s teacher. Their name is listed on the report and you can find their email address in the Academics tab on Aspen.


Parents and guardians, if you are having trouble logging into Aspen, please call your child’s house office:

If you have a question about your report card, please reach out directly to your/your child’s teacher or counselor.




Jason Williams (he/him/his)

Vice Principal

Newton South High School

140 Brandeis Road

Newton, MA 02459


NSHS Weekly Update 4/11 – 4/15

Newton South Students and Families:

Here is the Weekly Update for 4/11 – 4/15. This is a BLUE week, which affects Lion Block and clubs.

Here’s to another week at South! Please let us know if you have any questions.


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

Clean Up April 10, 2022


Image 1 of 9

9th Grade Opt-In Postural Screening 2022

9th grade opt in postural screening 2022 – Google Docs

Prom at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge Boston June 7, 2022 7-11pm




Tuesday, June 7th from 7:00 – 11:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Cambridge Boston

575 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02139


If purchased between 3/21 – 4/14 – $110

If purchased between 4/25 – 5/6 – $115

If purchased between 5/9 – 5/13 – $120

We are selling tickets NOW??. We will be outside the Ceramics room every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday during all three lunches until Friday, May 13th.

Tickets are non-refundable and can be paid in cash OR check (made out to: Newton South High School, Memo: Prom 2022). If you are a student who is in need of financial aid please contact your dean. 

Bringing outside guests is ALLOWED! If you are planning on bringing a guest from outside of Newton South, you must have them fill out a “guest form” from Newton South (available at your house office) EVERYBODY MUST BRING AN I.D. TO THE EVENT. 

At time of purchase, bring full payment and any necessary forms.  

Buses are available from Newton South to the Hyatt, however this requires riding the bus back from the Hyatt at 11PM — NO EXCEPTIONS!

If you are not taking the bus to the event you must arrange for your own transportation. If you plan to park at the Hyatt, there is a $15 (per car) parking fee that will have to be covered by students individually. 

****Covid Update: 

  • Mask policies are staying in-line with NPS and are TBD for prom. The venue has an outdoor space where students can take off masks. 

  • If you test positive for COVID-19 on the day of prom, you will not be able to attend. Tickets will not be refunded. By purchasing a ticket, you accept this risk.


Take out for a Cause

Order from WECO and 10% of the revenues with go to support class activities. Click here to order.

Class of 2023 Dance


Class of 2023




All NSHS juniors and their guests


May 14, 2022 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.


Sheraton Boston Needham Hotel

100 Cabot Street

Needham, MA 02494


$75 Tuesday, April 5th – Thursday, April 14th

$85 Monday April 25th – Friday, April 29th 

$90 May 2nd- May 11th

Ticket Sales end Wednesday, May 11th


Tickets will be on sale in the Student Center near the College & Career Center  beginning on Tuesday, April 5th. Tickets will be sold per the tiered pricing schedule above. Please make checks payable to Newton South High School. On the memo line please write Student Name & Class of 2023

To attend, all necessary forms must be signed and handed in at the ticket table at the time of your ticket purchase. Your name will NOT be added to the official guest list unless your forms are correct and complete. 

Every NSHS junior needs: General Permission Slip

Non-NSHS guests and NSHS grades 9, 10, or 12 need: Special Guest Form and copy of  ID


All juniors are welcome to attend the dance and can bring one guest from the junior class or any other grade at South. All guests from outside of South and those NSHS students in grades 9, 10 or 12 need to fill out a Special Guest Form, which may be found in the house offices. A copy of the guest’s student ID MUST accompany their Special Guest Form. All forms MUST be turned in at the time of ticket purchase. 

Financial Aid: Please speak with your House Dean


Class of 2024  Light Up the Night Dance

Class of 2024 
Light Up the Night

We want all 10th graders to come have fun at this long-awaited event! WEAR WHITE, so you shine in the black lights! DANCE to the DJ! BRING A WHITE T-SHIRT–glow in the dark fabric markers will be available to sign shirts! LEAVE YOUR MARK–draw and write on posters around the room as we build a little Class of 2024 spirit!

NSHS 10th Graders

May 7, 2022 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

NSHS Student Center

Cost: $15 Tuesday, April 25th – Friday, May 6th $20 at the door night of event

Tickets will be on sale every school day beginning Monday, April 25th-Friday May 6th. WIN and Lion Blocks in 2108 and all lunches in the Student Center near the College & Career Center. Cash or checks (Payable to Newton South High School. On the memo line please write Student Name & Class of 2024.)

Watch for updates on Schoology and on Instagram @nshs2024 Financial assistance is available, please speak with your House Dean. 

Parents want to HELP?

Let’s make it even better by fulfilling these requests made by the Class Advisors and Officers. Please review the available slots HERE and click on the button to sign up. There are so many, multiples are welcome. You may drop in Waban on Thursday May 5  or on Friday May 6th at the school (exact time & drop spots TBD). Thank you!

Newton South Students: Verification of Course Requests due Monday 4/4 4pm

Newton South Students and Families:


As the final part of the course registration process, we ask all students to complete a verification form to ensure that their course selections are correct and to make any last second changes to their course requests. This process will begin today and end at 4pm on Monday, April 4. To prepare for this verification process, please note the following:


Your course requests are available for viewing on Aspen in the “Documents” folder.

Please check your Documents folder for a file titled “NSHS 2022-2023 Course Requests”. The file type is “Recommendation”, uploaded on Friday, April 1.


Review this document to determine if your course requests are correct. Regardless of whether any changes need to be made, you will still need to complete this form.


Review Instruction Video and Complete Verification Form

All students need to complete a verification form, regardless of whether a correction is being requested.


This form can be found here.

Video instructions are here.


Students are free to complete this form at any point this weekend. However, if students need assistance, we will run an extended advisory on Monday, April 4 to give students time to complete the form.


If students have any questions after completing the form, there is a space at the end of the form for them to indicate that they still need assistance from a counselor.


Please let us know if you have any questions. As a reminder, all students must complete this form, and this form must be completed by 4pm on Monday, April 4.




Jason Williams (he/him/his)

Vice Principal

Newton South High School

140 Brandeis Road

Newton, MA 02459


NSHS Weekly Update 4/4 – 4/8

Newton South Students and Families:

Here is the Weekly Update for 4/4 – 4/8. This is an ORANGE week, which affects Lion Block and clubs.

Here’s to another week at South! Please let us know if you have any questions.


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459