Category Archives: For Juniors

GPA Updates

Newton South GPA Update

As a follow up to first term report cards being released this past Monday, here is an update on GPA as we know there have been questions, especially for Uuniors:

As has been shared previously, the Newton South/Newton North joint GPA Committee met this summer to make recommendations regarding how grades earned during the 2019-2020 school year would factor into student GPA. While the school year was disrupted in March, students were awarded final grades using our traditional grading system. This allowed for a continuation of both schools’ long-standing practices for calculating GPA. The one notable wrinkle was that final course grades of “P” were not factored into the GPA at all, even in those courses that have traditionally counted toward GPA.

The GPA Committee has continued to meet during the fall to prepare recommendations for the two school communities regarding GPA practices in relation to our modified grading during remote/hyflex learning. The committee has recommended a plan to calculate a GPA for the 2020-2021 school year to be reported as a “stand alone” that will not be incorporated into a cumulative GPA. Students will receive a GPA for this year in accordance with the following values:

A=4.0, B=3.0, P=2.0, NG=1.0

A weighted GPA will also be calculated, adding an additional 0.5 for each course at the ACP level and an additional 1.0 for each course at the Honors/AP level.

The committee will continue their work and will make additional recommendations once the district makes the final determination regarding grading practices for the 2021-2022 school year and beyond.

Chris Hardiman,
Interim Vice Principal

Safety Protocols Reminder & Volunteers Needed for Juniors Event on Nov 20th

Dear Newton South Parents/Guardians of Junior!

The PTSO is sponsoring an event for the Class of 2022.  All students will receive an reminder email from Interim Vice Principal Hardiman by Wednesday with the same information about social distancing protocols.

Please remind your junior(s) about following social distancing guidelines to ensure we have a safe and fun in-person event.  Parents/guardians are responsible for determining whether their child(ren) can participate in this in-person opportunity.  You can drop off in the main parking lot.  Students can proceed to the circle area by the stadium to check-in.  All students must leave by 7:30pm.  Please arrange rides accordingly.  Thank you!

We do need more parent volunteers to support the event, please sign up if you can at

Please note that all students must register for the event by noon on Thurs. Nov 19th.

Hello Juniors!

The Newton South PTSO is excited to host this in-person event on Friday, November 20 from 5:30-7PM.   Join us for a night under the lights.  You must register for this event by noon on Thurs. Nov 20th at this link

Check-in is required and begins at 5:20PM at the parking lot area prior to entering the stadium.  Our priority is to ensure we have a safe event for this in-person opportunity. With the updated State Guidelines, we want to update you and remind everyone that it is a requirement for all participants to follow social distancing guidelines:

  • Masks at all times during the event
  • Minimum 6ft physical distancing (sitting or standing)
  • Avoiding close contact (talking and being less than 6ft apart)

Moving to different areas on the field to see classmates is fine, but guidelines state one should avoid any physical contact with another student and have close contact (sitting or standing and speaking while less than 6ft with a mask on). This includes all students, regardless if you have been previously exposed to on a regular basis. Physical distancing of 6ft apart should be followed at all times. Parent volunteers will be managing check-in, social distancing guidelines and exiting the stadium.

Looking forward to a safe and fun event everyone.   Thank you.

Friday Night Lights for Juniors Fri., Nov. 20th at 5:30PM

The PTSO is sponsoring an event for the Class of 2022.  All students received an email from Interim Vice Principal Hardiman on Friday, Nov 13th about the event.  This is an in-person event for all students who are able to participate. 

Please encourage your child(ren) to attend if they are able for a fun night of games and music under the lights this Friday, November 20 (rain date November 21), from 5:30-7p at the NSHS stadium. If there are more than 100 signups, we will have a second session from 7:30-9pm.

*Please note*: Students must register for the event by noon on Thursday, November 19th.  An e-ticket confirmation is required to participate.


Social distancing requirements at the event include: masks at all times, a minimum 6ft physical distancing, and no close contact (standing or sitting and speaking while being less than 6ft apart). 

For questions, email Melissa Monokroussos:

Parent volunteers needed for Juniors Event on Nov 20th

Friday Night Lights for Juniors will be a fun night of friendly, competitive games and music under the lights.  The event will be held on Friday, Nov. 20 (rain date Saturday Nov. 21) at the Newton South stadium.

Parent volunteers are needed to support check-in process and to chaperone the event.  Depending on the number of students who register, there will be two shifts: 5:30 – 7:00pm and 7:30pm – 9:00pm. 

Please sign up to help the Class of 2022 enjoy a safe in-person outdoor event.

December 12 ACT at Newton North

Dear Seniors & Juniors and Families,

We have recently confirmed an additional “unlisted” ACT administration at Newton North on 12/12/2020 with capacity for 360 test takers.

This test administration is private to only Newton High School students and therefore it will not be listed on the ACT website. To register for this test, will need to use the test center code provided below, which will not be viewable to the general public. The ACT registration system defaults to search by zip code, then the students will need to click on change location and enter the test center code in the box on the right to view the site for the 12/12/20 date.

The test center code is 235020

To assist you with your registration, please watch this screencastify:

When creating your ACT profile, please be sure to enter the NSHS school code of 221-548 so that the ACT coordinator at Newton North can confirm that you are an NPS student.

Additional spring 2021 testing opportunities at Newton South (SAT) and Newton North (ACT) can be found at or respectively

Regular registration for the 2021 AP exams ends November 13, 2020

Regular registration for the 2021 AP exams ends November 13, 2020. The order will be submitted that day for students who have registered with the College Board and Total Registration and paid for their exams through Total Registration. Directions for registration can be found on the Newton South homepage under the Announcements column.

The College Board is adding a late fee of $40 per exam starting November 14, 2020.

Email Mary Ann Price, NSHS AP Coordinator, with any questions at


Junior Parent Volunteers for G11 Meet/Greet

The PTSO is continually looking to find ways creative fun events to help Newton South students meet and connect.   

In order to make this event possible, we need 3-4 parent volunteers interested in helping organize the event.

Please contact the PTSO at by Thurs, Nov 5th if you are interested in helping organize an event.


Need Mentors for PTSO Mentoring/Family Connection Program

The PTSO is launching our Mentoring/Family Connection Program for Students and Families to help build new connections in our school community.  

We need Mentors to match up with our Buddies – There’s no specific time commitment, just a willingness to help a new student or family make a connection at South.  We need Junior and Seniors, and Families willing to be a resource for other Families.

Click on the link below to sign up today!

Please sign up by Tuesday, October 12 if you are interested in being a Mentor or Buddy.  After the sign up period, our coordinators will followup with an email to both Mentor/Buddy so they can connect.  We hope this program will help students find new connections and an opportunity for families to have local resources to navigate South and Newton.  

A Student Mentor should be a Junior or Senior at South who is willing to be a resource and can offer their support, knowledge and skills to help a student Buddy, who is new to South, a Freshman or Sophomore.   A Mentor Family would be willing to be a resource to support  1 or 2 families who are new to South, to Newton, to the US.  This is not a tutoring program.  It is a community building program to help form new connections.  There’s no structure to the connection – whatever works for the Mentor & Buddy.  

Questions?  Contact our coordinators, Tammy Tsikar and Rachel Zhang at

AP Exam Registrations for 2021

Registration for the 2021 AP exams at Newton South is now available. All registration will be done online through the College Board. Payment for AP exams will be done online with a credit or debit card through Total Registration. Students should use the following direction to register and pay for exams.

Questions? please contact NSHS AP Coordinator Mary Ann Price at

See details here: 2021 NSHS AP Exam Registration and Payment Information

Class of 2021 Summer Reading Update

Message from Mr. Baron, NSHS English Dept Head.

Hello parents of the class of 2021!

Two quick start of summer notes from the Newton South English department: Summer reading — We have an exciting program of summer reading this year that we hope you can encourage your children to participate in. It’s a) totally voluntary – no tests/quizzes/grades once school starts; and b) designed to further the dialogue around race and social justice that we’ve engaged in over the last weeks. Check out the link to an explanation of this year’s summer reading program HERE.